Daylight savings time begins Sunday and all across the nation, clocks will spring forward. However, many people forget that it's also a good idea to switch out the batteries in a smoke detector.
While it's always best to check smoke detectors once a month to ensure they are working properly, getting in the habit of changing batteries when you set the clocks back or ahead is a good habit to get into. And while that periodic beeping when a battery is low in a smoke detector might become annoying, it's critical homeowners replace it immediately, rather than disable the device.
"Replacing the batteries in the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms throughout your house twice each year is a simple task that could potentially prove lifesaving," Jason Shivers, of the Forsyth County Fire Department in Illinois, told Forsyth County News. "A convenient way to remember to do so is by changing these batteries at the same time as you change the clocks in your home. At an absolute minimum smoke and carbon monoxide alarm batteries should be changed annually."
Home inspections also a good idea
In addition to setting clocks forward and changing smoke detector batteries, homeowners are also reminded to have a home inspection. This is especially the case for those who haven't had their property assessed for quite some time.
Like replacing the batteries in a smoke detector, a home inspection is a preventative measure to ensure the property's systems are functioning properly. At the very least, a home inspection will give an owner peace of mind and clue them in on a issues that need fixing. Reputable home inspectors are available to thoroughly assess every inch of a home.
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