Being savings conscious is important in this day and age. Questioning every expense, no matter how minor, is an essential habit, especially when saving for a new home. When taking on such a time-consuming, expensive task, it seems tempting to trim as many costs as possible, and many might put the home inspection on the chopping block. Is this a good idea for any prospective homeowner?
Common concerns
One interested buyer wrote to real estate columnist Barry Stone with a question regarding home inspections. They recently bought a brand new model home and under warranty for now until the builder no longer needs it, and the family can move in. The buyer wrote to Stone that they checked out some components of the home, like the windows, wall outlets and appliances and everything looked to be in good working order. Now that the warranty is about to expire, the buyer asked, do they need to bother with a home inspection?
The answer is, unequivocally, yes. As Stone explained, forgoing a home inspection opens a buyer up to numerous risks. Even though the house is under warranty, it seems to only cover cosmetic faults, and not the quality of construction. A cursory walkthrough on the part of the buyer will not detect any major structural issues that a professional inspection will be able to find. Second, Stone addressed the common belief that any major issues with the house will become clear within a year after being built. This is a common misconception, and not just because some things take several years to go wrong. Inspections commonly find that parts of the home are not built up to code, an issue that would be difficult for a regular buyer to determine. This are often found in less-obvious places, like in the attic that may lack insulation, in the electrical wiring hidden from view, or proper construction of the fireplace or chimney.
Hidden dangers
The truth is, you won't be able to match the detail that a professional home inspector will provide. But beyond that, you don't want to risk any oversight when it comes to what will be the biggest, most important investment of your life. Those seemingly minor problems that are hard to find can end up costing a large amount of money later on. As home inspector Bill Loden told Time Money, "you're also buying any problems lurking in the walls or the crawl space or the attic" when you buy any house, even a brand new one. The risk of neglecting a home inspection could end up costing much more than the small fee.
When you schedule a home inspection with a certified professional, you will know you're getting quality service and ultimately, a great deal. A comprehensive home or property inspection will find not only serious issues in the structure of your home, but can alert you to even minor issues with appliances or cosmetic defects. The health of safety of you and your family is taken into account as well. Home inspections can include testing for radon gas and carbon monoxide. Dangerous levels of mold in the air can be pinpointed and examined. Even trace amounts of lead can be found by home inspectors and noted for your safety. In just a few hours, a qualified inspector can compete all of these tasks and leave you assured that the home you're buying is up to the standard you're expecting.
There is no telling what expense even the smallest surprises will bring. For long-term savings and peace of mind, there's really no debating that a professional home inspection is absolutely essential for home buyers and real estate professionals.
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