Getting your roof inspected is an important part of being a responsible homeowner. However, roof inspections can be very difficult and dangerous and should only be performed by a trained professional; however, sometimes even the most experienced roof inspectors need a little help to accurately, and safely, inspect the roof. That’s where drone technology plays an integral role.

Drone Roof Inspections are safer, faster, and cheaper than traditional roof inspections. They also tend to be more accurate because the technology enables the inspector to collect a wide range of data. Drone inspections are becoming increasingly popular due to their accurate and detailed reporting along with being easy and safe for the inspector to execute.


What is a Drone Roof Inspection?

A Drone Roof Inspection is similar to a traditional inspection in that a home’s roof is thoroughly assessed for signs of wear and tear, missing shingles, cracks or leaks, or other potential issues. The main difference, though, is in the capabilities of the drone. The drone allows the inspector to examine the current condition of the roof while simultaneously capturing high-definition photos and videos all from the safety of the ground.

Included in a Roof Inspection:

  • General assessment of the roof’s appearance
  • Search for damaged or missing parts
  • Inspection of fascia, gutters, chimneys, vents, drains and downspouts
  • Search for damaged, loose or missing shingles
  • Inspection of roof valleys where water damage can occur


Benefits of a Drone Roof Inspection

Drones continue to be one of the most useful tools available for roof inspections as they allow the home inspector to:

  1. Thoroughly inspect areas of the roof that are hard to reach – Inspectors are not required to climb onto the roof. Using a drone provides a better vantage point for the inspector to accurately assess the condition of the roof, gutter, and chimney.
  2. Conducting a roof inspection when climbing the roof is not feasible – Certain conditions, including weather, prevent inspectors from safely accessing the roof. In these conditions, a drone provides a unique opportunity for the roof to still be inspected.
  3. Increase safety precautions – Climbing onto a roof can be extremely dangerous, especially if the roof is two stories or higher. Utilizing drone technology allows the inspector to go as high as they need to get the footage all while staying on the ground.
  4. Easily collect important data - Drones can provide a more detailed and accurate inspection of the roof than traditional means because with them you can gather a variety of data, including high-resolution videos, 3D models of the roof and surrounding area, thermal imaging and roof measurements.
  5. Complete inspections faster - A drone can complete an inspection much more quickly than an inspector can. It can also cover more surface area.


While there are some doubts about how thorough a drone can inspect a roof, the technology is so advanced that a drone inspection is often more accurate than a manual inspection. Drones can find water leaks in the roof envelope, a concealed area of the roof. While drones cannot visually see a water leak, they can detect distinct indicators, such as the presence of water and temperature variations. Drones can also locate pockets of air exfiltration, areas where there is a lack of insulation and areas of standing water.


How much does a Drone Roof Inspection cost?

The cost of a Drone Roof Inspection will vary depending on where you live; however, the average cost ranges from $150 to $400 nationwide. There are several other factors that contribute to the cost of the inspection including:

  • The size of the roof
  • Climate and weather conditions
  • How accessible the roof is
  • The type of roofing material


Why You Need a Roof Inspection and When You Should Get One

Your roof is essential to your home – it keeps you and your family safe. While you may not always think about the condition of your roof, it is a key structural element of your home and should be properly maintained.

Cracks in walls, clogged drains, sagging ceilings, and pooling water outside of drainage areas are all signs of roof failure. However, the signs may not always be that obvious. Here are a few more reasons why you need a roof inspection:

Weathering and Aging

All roofs endure natural weathering and aging, and the consequences are generally evident in the form of tiny openings on the roof surface that lead to water infiltration. Regular roof inspections can help homeowners to plan maintenance on these defects in order to prevent further damage.

Damage After a Storm

High winds, hail, and heavy rain can have disastrous effects on your roof. If your roof is experiencing leaks, is covered in debris, or has visible structural damage following a weather event, you should schedule a Drone Roof Inspection immediately.

Warranty Repairs

Many warranty agreements require property owners to have a roof inspection regularly for the warranty to remain in effect.

Routine Maintenance

Roofing issues are easy to overlook. Experts recommend that property owners look to hire a roofing contractor to conduct maintenance drone roof inspections roughly every six months. This ensures that your roof is structurally sound and allows you to stay ahead of repairs.

Leak Assessment

Leaks following heavy rains are the main trigger for most roof inspections. However, a leak in the roof could be a sign of a more serious roof problem such as rotting wood, mold, corrosion, or wet insulation. Experienced roof inspectors can conduct a full leak investigation to locate the source of the leak and prevent further damage.

Solar Site Surveying

When you are considering switching to solar energy, there are certain requirements your home must meet before solar panels can be installed. While traditional roof inspections for solar panel installations can take hours, the process can be cut down to just minutes using a drone.

If you identify with any of the above situations, then it’s time to get your roof inspected! Roofs have an average lifespan of 25 to 50 years, and while that seems like a lifetime, it can be much shorted if the roof is routinely inspected and properly maintained.

Drone Roof Inspections are crucial for maintaining the health and condition of your home. Make sure you do thorough research before hiring an inspection company to ensure they are licensed and insured and utilize quality equipment. When performed properly drone inspections are safer, more cost-effective, and require less equipment than traditional roof inspections. They also offer more detailed inspection reports through 3D models, which will help you file an insurance claim in the future.

If you need a thorough Drone Roof Inspection, WIN Home Inspection has trained and trusted professionals ready to help you. Our inspectors are licensed drone pilots with the FAA and provide actionable next steps to mitigate any issues and protect your home.

For more information or to schedule an inspection, find a WIN Home Inspection expert near you by visiting us online at, calling us at (800) 309-6753 or emailing