When it comes to purchasing a new house, first-time homeowners understandably want their residence to look as perfect as possible, as what they're paying for is likely the most expensive single purchase they've ever made. But every once in awhile, prospective homeowners take this desire for perfection to the extreme, often eliminating a potential residence from their array of choices due to assumptions about the residence that, in reality, are off-base.
To help buyers differentiate between major issues with those that can be overlooked, mortgage and consumer loan information firm HSH.com offers some suggestions.
Certain flaws in a home are more noticeable than others, but perhaps none is more readily apparent than the condition of the walls. While there shouldn't be any holes in the walls or signs of misalignment, what shouldn't be construed as a fundamental deficiency is the paint job.
Sep Niakan, a Miami-based real estate broker, tells HSH.com that he knows of several clients who have opted to look into a different home simply because they thought the paint within the house was poorly done or an unappealing color. Doing this would be mistake, he cautions, as paint jobs can be done independently and are typically very affordable depending on the quality of paint that's used. After all, just about everyone that purchases a home personalizes it in some form or fashion, and a new paint job is one of the quickest, simplest ways.
Old cabinets can be renovated
Another feature of the home that may turn would-be homebuyers off is if the cabinets look dilapidated or in need of finishing. Here as well, this is an issue that should not make or break a deal. Resurfacing the cabinet isn't too expensive. In fact, by doing this, tired, lifeless cabinets can look like their brand new if they're done in the right way.
Over the years, certain trends have come and gone among homeowners. One that's from yesteryear - but may still be around in a select number of residence today - are walls that are entirely covered by a mirror. If homeowners view these mirrors as unattractive, HSH.com says to keep in mind that they're almost always removable. By taking them down and applying a fresh coat of paint, this issue can be solved in no time flat.
Broken down boilers may not need to be replaced
Even if some of the utilities in the home aren't up to par, there's often an inexpensive way of handling it. Jerry Grodesky, a real estate professional based out of Chicago, told the mortgage information website that for as little as $250, a broken down boiler system can be fixed simply by replacing the pump, avoiding having to replace the system entirely. In short, before coming to any broad-based conclusions, prospective homeowners should have the issue checked out by a professional who can offer their expert opinion as to what's needed.
Plenty of closet space may be one of the features that homeowners most want, but Grodesky tells HSH.com that he's had clients actually turn down a home simply because there weren't doors connected to the close space. Doors can be easily installed, he notes and there should be plenty available that will complement the other features of the home.
There are those things in a property, however, that demand heightened scrutiny. Recently, the American Society of Home Inspectors released an updated report on the standard practices that should come with a home inspection to ensure that residences are up to code.
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