While the weather is warm, and kids are out of school, it is important to think ahead to winter’s darker days when home improvement seems both less compelling and feasible. Now is the time to invest in the safety of all living under your roof – and WIN Home Inspection's Healthy Home Check offers a comprehensive solution. Services like Air Quality Tests, Infrared Scans, and Sewer Scope Inspections ensure your family does not fall victim to home fires, water damage, and toxic chemical exposure, among other hazards. By understanding these products and how they bring peace of mind, homeowners can take proactive steps to ensure the well-being of their families.

The Dangers of Air Contaminants, Temperature Hot Spots, and Sewer Line Clogs

WIN home inspectors are professionally trained to know that poor air quality, temperature hot spots, and sewer line clogs can pose serious risks to the health and safety of homeowners and renters. Air quality affects lung health significantly as hazards such as radon, mold or asbestos are airborne environmental pollutants that many homeowners are not aware they could be breathing in every day. Lung cancer, a result of prolonged radon exposure, is one of the deadliest adverse health effects of poor air quality. Elevated temperature spots around the home can indicate electrical issues, insulation problems, or HVAC malfunctions, potentially leading to fire hazards or energy inefficiency. Sewer line issues, such as clogs or leaks, can cause extensive water damage, leading to mold growth and structural damage. It is crucial to address these issues promptly to protect both your home and your family.

How Air Quality Testing Can Safeguard Your Health

Air Quality Testing

WIN wants to ensure your family breathes easily and enjoys life indoors year-round. While allergy season brings excess congestion, an above average level of coughing and sneezing is an indication of poor air quality. Shockingly, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air quality can be up to five times more polluted than that outdoors. Therefore, it is critical to test indoor air quality regularly to safeguard the health and well-being of your family.

Exposure to pollutants such as radon, mold, lead, and asbestos can lead to a wide range of serious health conditions, including respiratory illnesses, allergies, and even central nervous system failure. Common causes of poor air quality include inadequate ventilation, water damage, outdated building materials, and improper cleaning practices.

When you hire a professional WIN home inspector for an Air Quality Test, you can trust that you will receive a thorough examination of radon, mold spore, lead dust, and asbestos fiber levels. The inspection may involve taking air samples, swabbing surfaces, and inspecting ventilation systems.

Immediate Steps to Take After Discovering Air Contaminants

If air contaminants are discovered in your home, it is crucial to take immediate action. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Review the inspection report carefully.
  2. Consult with professionals, asking any questions you may have.
  3. Prioritize your health and safety. Leave the home temporarily if there is a severe mold infestation or elevated levels of radon or asbestos.
  4. Develop a remediation plan and ensure the plan addresses the source of the problem, the necessary steps to be taken, and the estimated timeline and costs involved.
  5. Notify everyone involved or living in the home. If you are living in a rental property, promptly inform your landlord about the findings and provide them with copies of the inspection report.
  6. Follow local regulations. Familiarize yourself with local regulations and requirements for addressing air contaminants such as radon, asbestos, mold, or lead.
  7. Implement remediation measures advised by the professionals.
  8. Re-test and verify that the issue is completely resolved, and your home is safe. Once the remediation work is completed, have the air quality retested by a qualified inspector.
  9. Maintain regular inspections. After remediation, schedule regular inspections and tests to monitor the air quality in your home. This will help track if the issue comes back, identify any potential new issues, and ensure a safe living environment for you and your family.

Infrared Scanning to See Areas of the Home that Are Invisible to the Naked Eye

With the recent increases in gas and electric prices, identifying temperature anomalies around your home is essential for energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, ensuring your electrical panel and wiring are safely configured will allow you and your family to leave your home unattended with peace of mind. Infrared Scan, also known as thermography, is a non-invasive technique used to detect variations in temperature. It can uncover hidden issues such as faulty electrical wiring, insulation gaps, or HVAC system malfunctions that may lead to potential fire hazards or energy wastage.

Immediate Steps to Take after Discovering an Elevated Temperature Spot

If elevated temperature spots are detected in your home, it is important to address the issue promptly. Here are ten immediate steps you can take:

  1. Turn off any electrical appliances or devices in the affected area.
  2. Check for obvious signs of electrical malfunctions or faulty wiring.
  3. Ensure that the HVAC system is functioning correctly and delivering adequate airflow.
  4. Inspect the insulation in the area for any gaps or damage.
  5. Consider adjusting the thermostat to maintain a consistent temperature.
  6. Consult with an electrician to identify and resolve any electrical issues.
  7. Improve ventilation in the area to promote airflow and regulate temperature.
  8. Address any structural issues that may be contributing to temperature imbalances.
  9. Monitor the area for any changes or recurring temperature anomalies.
  10. Keep records of the temperature readings and consult with professionals if the issue persists.

Sewer Scope Inspection

Water is an essential indicator of home safety, whether that be out of the tap in your kitchen sink or through your heating system. Regular sewer scope inspections are crucial to preventing water damage and potential health hazards. Common causes of sewer problems include tree root intrusions, aging pipes, or pipe damage due to ground shifting. If you live in an area with abundant rainfall, it is especially important to book an annual Sewer Scope Inspection as septic tank malfunctions are more common.

WIN’s Sewer Scope Inspection involves inserting a specialized camera into the sewer lines to identify sewer line clogs, leaks, or other issues that may compromise the system's functionality. Septic tank malfunctions can lead to infectious disease transmission with increased bacterial exposure indoors.

Immediate Steps to Take after Discovering a Sewer Line Clog

Discovering a sewer line clog in your home's sewer system requires immediate attention to prevent further damage and health hazards. Here are ten immediate steps to consider:

  1. Avoid using any plumbing fixtures or appliances connected to the sewer system.
  2. Turn off the main water supply to prevent additional water flow.
  3. Contact a professional plumber or sewer specialist for assistance.
  4. Clear the area around the affected sewer access point for easy inspection and repair.
  5. Do not attempt to resolve the sewer line clog yourself if you are not experienced in sewer repairs.
  6. Assess the extent of the sewer line clog and determine if it requires professional intervention.
  7. Follow any recommendations provided by the plumber or sewer specialist.
  8. Keep children and pets away from the affected area to ensure their safety.
  9. Document the damage and take photographs for insurance purposes.
  10. Regularly maintain your sewer system to prevent future sewer line clogs.


WIN makes the health and safety of our clients our topmost priority. That is why we designed a Healthy Home Check for homeowners to address the areas of their home that are most critical to their overall well-being. By detecting air contaminants, thermal fluctuations, and sewer problems early on, you can take proactive measures to prevent health and safety risks as well as costly repairs. It is beneficial to check your homeowners’ and renters' insurance policies after the Healthy Home Check to ensure you utilize maximum coverage on repairs.

Remember, prevention is key! By investing in a Healthy Home Check, you can proactively maintain your home, reduce emergency repair costs, and enhance your health and safety. Protect your home, protect your loved ones, and ensure a healthy living environment for years to come with WIN Home Inspection!